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Why we choose Metagenics Products?

It's rare for a professional nutritional product company to devote the scientific staff, labs, equipment, time, resources, and strict procedures necessary to achieve true quality status. We can't imagine it any other way—people's health depend on it.

Metagenics Measures Up to All 5 Quality Standards and Beyond

They're the only nutritional company selling to health care professionals that strictly adheres to the 5 most identifiable standards for quality.

1. GMP-certified manufacturing—the ultimate quality marker. If it's on the label, it's in the bottle—guaranteed. Their manufacturing facility is certified for good manufacturing practices (GMP) by the Natural Products Association (NPA), National Sanitation Foundation (NSF), and the Therapeutic Goods Administration of Australia (TGA) to ensure the highest quality standards. It's a sure way to know you're getting exactly what you pay for. No other professional supplement company has all 3 of these certifications. Many don't even have one.

2. Pure ingredients—identity tested on multiple levels. Metagenics accept nothing less than the best they can find. Metagenics guarantee each raw material then test each thoroughly to support quality, safety, and efficacy. On formulas requiring especially sensitive or perishable ingredients, they conduct additional testing—above and beyond the testing required of them by the Food and Drug Administration current good manufacturing practices, or cGMPs. A batch of each final product is then tested again for purity as an added safety measure and confirmation of quality. Their attention to detail here is unmatched in our industry.

3. Safety-reviewed ingredients— Metagenics won't create a formula without them. They don't use any ingredients in their formulas without a thorough literature search on its predicted safety in use as a nutritional supplement.

Metagenics has an onsite research staff and medical information center with access to thousands of peer-reviewed scientific publications. They review published studies and articles on every new natural ingredient they consider using in their products.

4. Human clinical evaluations—the surest way to show effectiveness. The best way to test effectiveness and safety of a nutritional product is to see how it works with real patients. The Functional Medicine Research Centerâ„  (FMRC)—the clinical research arm of Metagenics—is an on-site clinic staffed by medical professionals who recommend our nutritional approaches and monitor their success. The FMRC also conducts clinical trials that have been published in respected peer-reviewed journals.  No other company can offer this kind of first-hand knowledge that can only be achieved a clinical setting.

5. Scientific staff and facilities—the best in the business. Not every professional nutrition company has its own staff of dedicated medical and technical professionals. Metagenics has one of the largest in-house scientific staffs—MDs, PhDs, and others—in the industry.

It's easy to see why so many health care professionals and their patients rely on Metagenics products

Appropriate ingredient form & dose—so you can be sure. Metagenics goal is to use highly absorbable nutrient forms so the body has a greater chance of using it the way it should to promote health. This is particularly important with certain key nutrients that may be poorly absorbed, or for people who have absorption concerns. And the dosages recommended are based on scientific research that document effectiveness and predicted safety when used as intended.









Genova diagnostics


Some of these tests may not typically be performed in your primary doctors office, however, are performed by various types of doctors and health care practitioners worldwide.  These tests are covered by many different insurance companies as well.  They can be used to find detailed information regarding the health of the gastrointestinal tract, detoxification efficiency, nutritional deficiencies, hormonal imbalances, mood disorders, etc..   This office uses various labs for this testing and all tests are based on individuals needs.  Below are a few of the tests offered:



Current science shows that genes may influence an individual’s response to diet.  Individual genetic differences may influence how much of each nutrient an individual may need.  The study of genomics has also shown how exercise may impact one’s gene expression, triggering certain genes to turn on or off, and thereby affecting one’s overall health and fitness. This test provides tools to understand how to maximize the potential benefits of a workout based on genetic strengths & nutritional needs.  This genetic test is done by a saliva sample.



This tests for biomarkers that are metabolic intermediates produced in pathways of central energy production, neurotransmitter breakdown, detoxification and intestinal microbial activity. It measures vitamin, mineral, amino acid, B complex, antioxidant and detoxification pathway insufficiencies as well as assessing the body’s’ energy production and problems in the gastrointestinal tract.  It is done with a simple urine sample and gives a broad overview of organ system health.





At the heart of the practice, Dr. Leah Griswold, a dedicated Chiropractor and Functional Medicine practitioner, is revolutionizing holistic wellness.  She believes in the power of integrated care, uniquely combining Chiropractic adjustments with Physical Therapy and Lifestyle coaching  to unlock unparalleled health benefits. Each client embarks on a personalized journey to wellbeing, with Dr. Griswold's one-on-one attention ensuring every session is tailored to your body's needs. Experience a transformative approach to health, where your care is of the utmost priority.  

Dr. Leah Griswold
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